How to install Skype 4.3 on Antergos 2016

Antergos Tutorial is going to show you how to install Skype 4.3 on Antergos 2016. Skype is a popular VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocols) application. We can make free phone calls, chat and video calls to other people wherever you are. 

Steps to install Skype on Antergos 2016

Alternatively, you can use the following command in Terminal console
yaourt -S skype
Make sure AUR repository is enabled before you execute the command above.


youtube 5.0, YouTube TV (by youtube_3) - VIRTUAL
youtube 5.0, YouTube TV (by youtube_3) (in. youtube_3) uploaded by youtube to mp3 conconventer Youtube Channel (by youtube_3) (in. youtube_2)
