Beautiful Antergos 17.3 Gnome

The new Antergos 17.3 has been released a while ago and I love it. Antergos 17.3 brings a lot of new packages, bug fixes and performance improvements. I just installed Antergos 17.3 on my VirtualBox on Windows 10 host and it works pretty well. Antergos 17.3 is powered with Kernel 4.10.2 and Gnome Shell version 3.22.3.

The Desktop

antergos 17.3 screenshot 1

Application Menu

antergos 17.3 screenshot 2

Gnome works well on Antergos 17.3 even I run my OS from a virtual machine and there is only a little performance downside in term of transition effects.

The Software Manager

antergos 17.3 software manager

Pamac Software Manager has been updated to version 4.3.1.

Workspace and Application Switcher

antergos 17.3 activities

When running on Virtualbox, the workspace switcher seems to be a bit laggy. But this problem won't happen when running on real hardware.
