How to install Google Chrome 56 on Antergos 17.2

This tutorial is going to show you how to install Google Chrome on Antergos. The new Google Chrome 56 is now available for Linux system and I am using the latest Antergos 17.2. Installing Google Chrome is very easy.

Steps to install Google Chrome on Antergos

  1. Enable AUR repository
  2. Install Google Chrome

Step 1. Enable AUR Repository

Google Chrome package is available in AUR repository. You will need to enable AUR repository first prior to Google Chrome installation. Please read my previous tutorial to enable AUR on Antergos Linux.

Step 2. Install Google Chrome

We can install Google Chrome via Terminal command and via Software Manager as well. If you prefer command line, the following command is used:
yaourt -S google-chrome
Once completed, you should see the Google Chrome icon listed in Applications.
