How to install VLC Media Player on Antergos 2016

This tutorial is going to show you how to install VLC Media Player on Antergos 2016. As you might know, VLC is a simple, powerful multimedia player. VLC is available for Windows, Linux, Mac and also Android OS. Installing VLC on Antergos is very easy because its available through its repository.
install vlc on antergos 2016

Steps to install VLC on Antergos 2016

GUI Mode

Open Add/Remove Software from the App menu. Then type vlc on the search box and the result will be displayed. Mark VLC for installation and press Apply to start the installation.
Because VLC was buit with Qt technology, we need to make sure that Qt4 is installed on our system. Otherwise VLC will not start. So, install Qt4 if you don't have it on your system.

Text Mode

To install VLC Media Player on Antergos via Terminal, use the following command instead
sudo pacman -S vlc qt4
Once completed, you can start using VLC to watch your favorite movies or videos.
