Antergos 2016 Screenshots

First, I want to welcome my self to my new blog. This blog is special for Antergos users and anyone who want to learn more about Antergos Linux. I am planning to write more about how I use Antergos for my daily computing tasks. I will also write some how to, tutorial about Antergos Linux. If you are new to Antergos, you can find more about Antergos Linux here
To get started, here are some Antergos 2016 Screenshots.I have modified some sections on my Antergos such as change wallpaper and install Plank Dock. For your information, I choose MATE as my desktop environment. During Antergos installation, we can choose from 6 different Desktop Environment such as GNOME, Plasma (KDE), MATE etc.

Antergos Desktop

antergos 2016 screenshots

File Manager

Control Centre

Pamac Software Center

Overall, I am pretty satisfied with Antergos. Easy to use, easy to customise and its beautiful. Thanks for reading and welcome to my new blog. Maybe you want to check my other blogs or websites below:
